The endeavor of researching the application of digital technologies to construction and manufacturing has been growing constantly, with projects such as BIMReL (Bim Regione Lombardia 2017-2019), BIM4EEB (BIM for energy efficiency of existing buildings, 2019-2022), ECOFACT (application of Digital win methodology to the study of the “smart factory” to reduce energy consumption, 2020-2024) and INFINITE (another application of Digital Twin for continuous smart fronts, again to reduce energy consumption and support environmental sustainability).
Meanwhile, the entry in the smeup Group bore its first tangible results, from the one hand with the aforementioned Cad&Cad acquisition, and from the other with the opening in 2018, of one of the first Italian Show Room, located in Erbusco, dedicated to technologies revolving around the concept of Industry 4.0 (IoT, virtual and augmented reality, Artificial Intelligence, etc.). On the association and relationship with institution, One Team was also at the forefront. We remember, as an example, its role as a founding partner of AssoBIM (2017), the participation to AIS – Associazione Infrastrutture Sostenibili (2020), and the presentation, with AssoBIM and the support of essentially the whole construction world (Ance, Federcostruzioni, UNI, Politecnico di Milano, Consiglio Nazionale di Ingegneri, Architteti e Geometri, etc.) to the MISE (2020) and MIMS (2021) of a letter of intents with the purpose of governmental approval of the project for a National Construction Portal.
Nowadays One Team is in the front line in the matters concerning BIM implementation and, in more general terms, process digitalization in Stazioni Appaltanti Pubbliche (??), in order to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of our PNRR. Similarly, and for the same reasons, the support to design studies and construction or production companies continues and increases.